George Alex
(Rating 3)
Scott Adamson
(Rating 4)
Marcos Amado
(Rating 4)
Walid Ahmed
(Rating 4)
Lewis Ake
(Rating 4)
Muvtaza Al Boswailim
(Rating 4)
Donatos Androlionis
(Rating 7)
GGB/WCB Boxer won the Victorian
'Old Olympic Style'
Light-Middleweight Title
Hiluf Aregay
(Rating 3)
Roger Arbas
(Rating 4)
Lewis Apai
(Rating 4)
Anthony Austin
(Rating 2)
Frank Avalos
(Rating 2)
Ahmet Avder
(Rating 4)
Peter Barnett
(Rating 3)
Emrah Avder
(Rating 5)
Tony Aquilina
Judging Official
Ismail Akyuz
Assistant Coach
Grant Baines
(Rating 4)
Dee Balci
(Rating 3)
Jake Barrow
(Rating 3)
Jordan Barry
(Rating 5)
Kylie Blackmore
(Rating 4)
Ray Bennett
Corner Assistant
Helen Beach
(Rating 2)
Michael Bellert
(Rating 3)
Dawn Berryman
(Rating 4)
Michael Bird
(Rating 3)
Martin Van Boxtel
(Rating 6)
Aaron Ayoub
(Rating 4)
Craig Beeby
GGBWCB Coach won the
2004-06 'Leo Cole'
Boxing Coach of the Year Awards.
Matt Bertuna
(Rating 3)
Roy Brens
Coached GGB/WCB
Sam Brett
(Rating 4)
Andy Briggs
(Rating 6)
GGB/WCB Boxer/Coach
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Jenny Broersen
Attending Instructor
Scott Brouwer
Coached GGB/WCB
Michael Bruce
(Rating 4)
Paul Bruce
(Rating 3)
Kel Bryant
GGB/WCB Coach won the
'Leo Cole'
Boxing Coach of the Year Award, in 2001 & received
the 2002 'Hilda Herbert'
Service Performance Award
Greg Buckley
Coached GGB/WCB
Rohan Burgess
(Rating 2)
Shane Busuttil
(Rating 4)
Leigh Cachia
(Rating 2)
Elizabeth 'Susie' Caldwell
(Rating 3)
Sam Carlon
(Rating 5)
Jake Cameron
(Rating 5)
Shane Cameron
Coached GGB/WCB
Received the 2011/13/14
'Leo Cole'
Boxing Coach of the Year Award & 2013 AAB Sports Coach of
the Year Award.
Clinton Challenger
(Rating 5)
Jim Challenger
Assistant Coach
Matt Cannard
(Rating 1)
Rafael Cazar
(Rating 4)
Simon Carson
(Rating 4)
Jason Campbell
Iso Cimaratic
(Rating 5)
Marty Coleman
(Rating 3)
Alistair Conarty
(Rating 4)
Jesse Conroy
(Rating 4)
Guy Contarino
Coached GGB/WCB
Vincent Contarino
(Rating 5)
Daniel Cook
(Rating 4)
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Janet Cook
(Rating 5)
Received the
2001 AAB Top Sports Performance
Lisa Charalambous
(Rating 4)
Sean Crossley
(Rating 4)
Ron Conway
Assistant Coach
John Court
(Rating 3)
Kirk Cowan
(Rating 4)
Steve Cunningham
GGB/WCB Coach & Referee
Received the 2007 & 2008
'Hilda Herbert'
Service Performance Award
Micky Cunningham
(Rating 6)
Boxer/Judging Official
Received the 2013
'Maury Kirby'
Golden Gloves Boxing Performance Award
TJ Cunningham
Joseph D'alessandri
(Rating 2)
Jason Daniel
(Rating 6)
won the 2001
'Maury Kirby' Golden Gloves Boxing Award. & 2002 'AAB
Top Sports Performance Award'
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Eddie Diesel
(Rating 5)
Ben Deutsch
(Rating 5)
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video clip to your computer
Ross Diggins
(Rating 4)
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Alex Don
(Rating 5)
Shaun Doyle
(Rating 4)
Stevo Dugec
(Rating 5)
Alicia Emery
(Rating 3)
Chris Eggleton
(Rating 3)
Kareem Elgammal
(Rating 3)
Ali El Hassan
(Rating 5)
Sam El Hassan
Heath Ellis
(Rating 6)
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Keith Ellis Snr
Coached GGB/WCB
Jake Ellis
(Rating 4)
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video clip to your computer
Neil Ellis
Assistant Coach
Lester Ellis Jnr
(Rating 4)
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Lester Ellis
Junior Lightweight Champion of the World 1985
Assistant Coach
Tarek El Houli
(Rating 4)
Ahmed Elzeine
(Rating 4)
Mahmoud Elzeine
(Rating 3)
Bilal Elzeine
(Rating 5)
Luke Evans
(Rating 4)
Clyde Everard
Judging Official
received the
2003, 05, 09 & 2010
'Hilda Herbert'
Service Performance
Just click for another photo of Clyde & Ron Smith on
the judging panel
Peter Fahey
(Rating 5)
Johnny Famechon
Featherweight Champion of the World 1969-70
Alex Fairburn
(Rating 3)
Scott Fairburn
(Rating 4)
Nicholas Finn
(Rating 2)
Steve Finnegan
(Rating 6)
Junior Fepuleai
(Rating 5)
Liuasi John Fepuleai
(Rating 4)
Brendan Fitzpatrick
Assistant Coach
Kelvin Francis
(Rating 4)
Tevita Fonua
(Rating 8)
Laurence Foster
(Rating 4)
(Rating 2)
Cole Fosternally
(Rating 8)
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Dillon Fretton
(Rating 4)
David Frost
(Rating 2)
Derrik Futschik
(Rating 4)
Michael Galea
(Rating 4)
Michael Gardner
(Rating 6)
Received the 2010
'Maury Kirby'
Golden Gloves Boxing
Performance Award
Rasta Gasio
(Rating 5)
Sau Gasio
Coached GGB/WCB
Adrian Giadina
(Rating 4)
Zac Gillies
(Rating 3)
Natalie Goebel
Joshua Gordon
(Rating 4)
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Robert Graham
(Rating 3)
Tim Graham
(Rating 3)
Tarrant Gray
(Rating 3)
Gary Grimes
(Rating 4)
Sam Guzzardi
(Rating 4)
Going Up Boyo! |
Natalie, Helen, Carole, &
Mandi |
Standing: Clyde, Kelvin, Muhamed, Johnny Famechon, Ron, Ray,
Jake, Shane
Front: Lewis & Jake
The Academy thanks the Fight Night organisation
providers of the Fight Night DVD Boxing Series for their
assistance in raising funds for the 'Make-A-Wish Foundation'
Ryan Hampton
(Rating 4)
Sam Hamze
(Rating 7)
2004 Victorian
'Old Style Olympic Boxing' Junior Middleweight Champ
Darren Hancock
(Rating 3)
Neil Hansen
(Rating 5)
David Harris
(Rating 5)
Gary Harris
(Rating 3)
Ray Harris
Won the
2001-03 & 2006
'AAB Sports
Coach of the Year Award'
In 2003
Ray was awarded
'The Centenary Medal' by Queen Elizabeth for 'Service to the
Sport of Boxing' and received
the 'Leo Cole Boxing Coach of the Year Award' 2003-05
Gareth Hardy
(Rating 4)
Brenton Hart
(Rating 2)
Ben Harvie
(Rating 5)
Lachlan Hayes
(Rating 4)
Jason Hazle
(Rating 2)
Matt Helman
(Rating 3)
Dereck Herbert
received the
2004 & 2006
'Hilda Herbert'
Service Performance
& 2005-07 Sports Coach of the Year Awards
Dane Herbert
(Rating 9)
Gold Cup Achiever
GGB/WCB Boxer/Coach
Won the 2004 Victorian
'Old Olympic Style'
Middleweight Boxing Championship & 2005-07
Sports Coach of the Year & received the 2014
'Hilda Herbert'
Service Performance Award & 2015 'Leo Cole'
Boxing Coach Award
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video clip to your computer
Alfred Herbert
(Rating 4)
Sullivan Herbert
(Rating 4)
Fiona Heywood
(Rating 3)
Grant Hill
(Rating 3)
Christy Hines
(Rating 3)
Geoff Hines
Starr Hindley
(Rating 1)
Hai Ho
(Rating 4)
(Rating 2)
Leigh Howell
(Rating 4)
Bilal Hayeh
(Rating 4)
Andrew Hopkins
(Rating 4)
Mitchell Houston
(Rating 4)
Won the 2010
'AAB Top Sports
Performance Award'
Craig Hutchinson
(Rating 3)
Natalie Hughes
(Rating 4)
Belinda Humphrey
(Rating 4)
Duraid Istepho
(Rating 4)
Joe Jackson
(Rating 4)
Ashley James
(Rating 4)
Richard James
(Rating 4)
Elisabet Jangerstedt
(Rating 3)
Robby Jankovski
(Rating 5)
Toby Johnson
(Rating 4)
Matthew Jolley
(Rating 4)
Click to view Matthew and WCB competitors meeting in centre
Adam Judd
(Rating 3)
Jim Kalaboukas
Assistant Coach
Werner Kalin
(Rating 6)
GGB/WCB Boxer/Coach/Judge
Just click for another
photograph of Werner
Harry Kasidiaris
(Rating 3)
John Koinakis
(Rating 3)
Raymond Kaiser
(Rating 2)
Jay Kelly
(Rating 3)
Troy Kelly
(Rating 4)
Najdat Koru
Coached GGB/WCB
Clive Koia
(Rating 4)
Alex La Rocca
(Rating 4)
Won the 2008
'AAB Top Sports
Performance Award'
Nick Larossa
Coached GGB/WCB
Kerrie Laidlaw
(Rating 4)
Mark Lee
(Rating 6)
Won the 2011-12
'Maury Kirby'
Golden Gloves Boxing
Performance Award
Harley Leslie
(Rating 3)
Graham Lever
(Rating 5)
Clinton Logan
(Rating 3)
Ashley Lynch
Coached GGB/WCB
Brian Lynch
(Rating 2)
Jared Lynch
(Rating 4)
Bayley Marslen
(Rating 4)
Andrew Martin
(Rating 3)
Daniel Martin
(Rating 6)
Jo-anne Martin
(Rating 3)
Jake Martlew
(Rating 4)
Ned Martlew
(Rating 4)
Adam May
(Rating 6)
Daniel McNairn
(Rating 5)
GGB/WCB Boxer/Coach won the 2008 'Leo Cole' Boxing
Coach of the Year Award, the 09/10/11/12 'AAB Sports Coach of
the Year Award' & 09/13 'Top AAB Sports Performance Award'
Received the 2011
'Hilda Herbert'
Service Performance Award
Shay Mercy
(Rating 4)
Matthew Mattei
(Rating 4)
Patrick Mercer
(Rating 3)
Paul Meredith
Coached GGB/WCB
Scott Milckelsen
(Rating 4)
Lachlan Matthews
(Rating 7)
won the 2006/7/8/9 & 15
'Maury Kirby'
Golden Gloves Boxing Performance Award
Colin Miller
(Rating 4)
Billyjoe Mitchell
(Rating 6)
Bonnie Mitchell
(Rating 4)
Simon Mitchell
Coached GGB/WCB
Luke Morgan
(Rating 2)
Sam Mower
Assistant Coach
Michael Mulvaney
(Rating 4)
GGB/WCB Boxer/Coach
Gerry Murphy
Coached GGB/WCB
won the 2002
'Leo Cole'
Boxing Coach of the Year Award
Jason Murphy
Coached GGB/WCB
Mick Murray
Coached GGB/WCB
Ayhan Mustafa
(Rating 5)
Isaia Neioti
Coached GGB/WCB
James Nicholas
(Rating 3)
Kerri Nicholls
(Rating 2)
Lucas Nicolson
(Rating 4)
Magic Gloves
Tony O'Brien
(Rating 7)
won the
2003 'Maury Kirby' Golden Gloves Boxing Performance Award &
AAB Top Sports Performance Award
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video clip to your computer
Robert O'Bryan
(Rating 1)
Andrew Ormerod
(Rating 7)
co-winner of the 2002 'Maury Kirby'
Golden Gloves Boxing
Performance Award & winner in 2004-05
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Aziz Ocal
(Rating 3)
Adam Nahal
(Rating 5)
Daniel O'Connor
(Rating 4)
Volkan Ozalp
(Rating 3)
Chris O'Casey
(Rating 2)
Mathew Olden
(Rating 5)
Luke Ostrom
(Rating 4)
Jacob Othman
(Rating 5)
Andrew Palombieri
(Rating 4)
David Palombieri
(Rating 4)
Lisa Padzensky
(Rating 2)
Nick Papadimitriou
(Rating 6)
Colin Parrant
Rohan Parrant
(Rating 7)
GGB/WCB Boxer/Coach
Referee/Judge won the
03-07-11-12 AAB Top Sports Performance Award, the 2007 &
2009 'Leo Cole' Boxing Coach of the Year &
2008 'AAB Sports Coach of the Year', & 2013
Hilda Herbert Service Performance Award
John Parzybok
(Rating 2)
Adam Paul
(Rating 2)
Tony Peluso
(Rating 3)
Gregory Pendergast
(Rating 5)
James Percival
Assistant Coach
Lucas Petrovich
(Rating 4)
Ron Piana
(Rating 2)
Daniel Pledger
(Rating 5)
Sergio Prado
Coached GGB/WCB
Ian Preisig
(Rating 3)
GGB/WCB Boxer/Coach
Dave Preston
Coached GGB/WCB
Michael Pritchard
(Rating 4)
Michael Prout
(Rating 3)
Darren Ray
Assistant Coach
Darren J Raymer
Coached GGB/WCB
Nick Rendic
(Rating 5)
Finleigh Reynolds
(Rating 4)
Ali Reza
(Rating 5)
Received the 2014
'Maury Kirby'
Golden Gloves Boxing Performance Award
Andrew Richards
(Rating 4)
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Scott Riches
(Rating 2)
Ash Ristits
(Rating 5)
Hughie Rosenhain
(Rating 2)
Ben Rowlinson
(Rating 4)
Tim Rowlinson
(Rating 4)
Ilia Roytberg
(Rating 3)
Matt Russell
(Rating 4)
James Ryan
(Rating 3)
Tom Robinson
(Rating 3)
Ben Russell
(Rating 5)
Lava Saena
(Rating 5)
Larry Safaya
(Rating 6)
Sammy Salma
(Rating 2)
Jake Sandall
(Rating 3)
Louie Schena
(Rating 5)
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video clip to your computer
Trevor Scott
(Rating 5)
Jacob Sedger
(Rating 2)
Gary Slater
(Rating 3)
Ryan Short
(Rating 1)
Dean Seebeck
(Rating 4)
Mohammed Shamim
(Rating 4)
GGB/WCB Boxer/Coach
Matthew Sherlock
(Rating 1)
Jordan Sim
(Rating 3)
Kelly Simon
(Rating 3)
Kary Smith
(Rating 4)
Ron Smith
GGBWCB Coach & Judge
received the 2010/12
'Leo Cole' Boxing Coach of the Year Award' &
2012 'Hilda Herbert' Service Performance Award
Elaine Somers
(Rating 2)
Lachlan Sorell
(Rating 4)
Herman Sosa
(Rating 4)
Aaron Spagnolo
(Rating 5)
David Spain
(Rating 4)
Justin Sprake
(Rating 3)
Daniel Smith
(Rating 6)
co-winner of the
'Maury Kirby'
Golden Gloves Boxing Performance Award
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video clip to your computer
Mark Stanton
(Rating 5)
GGB/WCB Coach/Boxer
won the 2002 & 2004
'AAB Sports Coach of the Year Award'
& the 2005
'AAB Top Sports Performance Award'
Wayne Stewart
Tom Straford
(Rating 4)
Boxed WCB
Benny Sinclair
Coached GGB/WCB
Peter Sinclair
(Rating 4)
Matt Stephens
(Rating 3)
Corey Stoneham
(Rating 4)
Steve Sutherland
(Rating 6)
England Schoolboy Champion 2004, represented Australia at
the Beijing Olympic Games 2008
Karl Schweitzer
(Rating 4)
Paul Schweitzer
(Rating 4)
Ron 'Benny' Synok
(Rating 3)
Jerome Kirk Tanielu
(Rating 5)
Joe Tannous
(Rating 3)
Muhamed Taric
Coached GGB/WCB
Damian Taylor
(Rating 3)
John Tiavo
(Rating 4)
Casey Thompson
(Rating 7)
GGB/WCB Boxer won the
2002 & 2004 Victorian
'Old Olympic Style'
Featherweight Title
and Lightweight Silver Medal at the 2003 Australian
Championships & Bronze Medal at the Oceania Championships
Billy Towney
(Rating 4)
Andrew Treloggan
(Rating 3)
David Tsang
(Rating 5)
Ray Tulloch
(Rating 2)
Adem Turk
(Rating 3)
Tom Turkayoglu
(Rating 3)
Luis Vareia
(Rating 4)
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video clip to your computer
James Varszeghy
(Rating 3)
Manny Vlamis
(Rating 5)
Victor Volant
received the
'Hilda Herbert'
Service Performance Award
Steven Wade
(Rating 3)
Panther Walscott
(Rating 4)
Zac Walsh
(Rating 4)
Toby Watson
(Rating 3)
Daryl Watts
(Rating 3)
Leilani West
(Rating 2)
Michael Wood
(Rating 4)
Matt Webber
(Rating 3)
Perry Whitcombe
(Rating 2)
Brad Weaire
(Rating 4)
Angela Wickremasinghe
(Rating 2)
Carole Williamson
(Rating 4)
GGB/WCB Boxer/Coach
Darren Williams
(Rating 4)
Dave Socks Williams
(Rating 4)
won a 'Best Boxer Trophy'
Matt Winderlich
(Rating 5)
Chris Worner
(Rating 3)
Steven Williams
(Rating 4)
Bailey Young
(Rating 4)
Craig Young
(Rating 2)
Shayne Young
(Rating 6)
Khaled Zainaddine
(Rating 4)
Jim Zaharakis
(Rating 5)
GGB?WCB Boxer/Coach
Antony Zebisch
(Rating 7)
Antony won the
Australian Super Lightheavyweight
IKBF title
at the Springvale Town Hall in August 2003
On the 21st November Antony went another step and won the
World Super Lightheavyweight Championship
Click for a Photograph of Antony and his boxing trainer
Dereck Herbert
Up She Rises!